Category: Plumbing

  • Clearly Clean With Hydro Powered Jet Plumbing

    Clearly Clean With Hydro Powered Jet Plumbing

    When it comes to the guts and gizmos of plumbing, the average homeowner tends to put things off. Parts out of sight, like underground pipes, tend to also end up out of mind. As tempting as it is to ignore the signs of a blockage, a small clog can quickly lead to major problems. Or…

  • El Niño Is Coming, Which Means Now Is The Perfect Time To Clean Your Drains

    El Niño Is Coming, Which Means Now Is The Perfect Time To Clean Your Drains

    While the 2022-2023 rainy season was one for the books, the rapid development of an extremely strong El Niño is shaping up to make the 2023-24 season quite a doozy. So, what does this mean for homeowners across southern California? El Niño years typically bring a lot more rain than the typical year, which would…

  • Down The Drain

    Down The Drain

    Rain is rare enough in our parched little corner of the country that you think it would be a welcome event for a sudden rainstorm to show up unexpectedly. Unfortunately for me, the sudden downpour revealed a defect in my yard that had been hidden by the years-long drought. When the previous owners had repaved…