Category: Cardiac Veterinarian

  • Telehealth Reaches Veterinary Care

    Telehealth Reaches Veterinary Care

    During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, most hospitals and primary care facilities were beset by a massive wave of cancellations for non-COVID related cases and routine health appointments. The cancellations came from both the patient and provider ends, with patients avoiding health settings that would potentially bring many sick individuals together and…

  • The Evolution and Healthcare of Humankind’s Best Friend

    The Evolution and Healthcare of Humankind’s Best Friend

    Did you know that dogs and humans have been found to enrich each other’s lives? Based on the research, when dogs and humans lock their eyes, their brains generate oxytocin, which is associated with mental bonding.  However, how and when did this incredible connection begin?  When Did Dog Domestication Start? Researchers timed the domestication of…