Category: Immigration Attorney

  • A Better Way for a Legal Stay

    A Better Way for a Legal Stay

    Here in California, we have a huge immigrant population and need experienced, competent, and professional lawyers who can do the job perfectly every time they’re called upon. Immigrants are the lifeblood of our community, after all, and the law is tricky and can be difficult to follow for any citizen, let alone those who have…

  • A Great Immigration Lawyer

    A Great Immigration Lawyer

    In the past, I have talked about the reputation of law offices as a whole; how they treat their clients, how relatable they are…because let’s be honest, Yelp can only tell you so much. So that’s why I’ve started to look at individual lawyers and their individual styles. Because at the end of the day,…

  • Immigrating to Cali? Who’s On Your Team?

    Have you watched or read the news lately? Immigration is often a large piece of whats being covered. Family’s being separated, people being deported, and now the possibility of restrictions on legal immigrants are all major reasons for concern if you have immigrated to the United States legally or illegally. So what are you supposed…